Drum Circle under the Full Moon

Event Date:
October 1, 2020
Event Time:
4:30 pm
Event Location:
Open-air meditative Drum Circle under the Full Moon- 4:30pm near Mt. Sunapee, NH
Bring your drum(s) and/or rattles and wear a mask at a social distance for this group event that is sure to inspire you. No drum? Make a rattle out of something at home, a jar of beans! Or just relax, listen, or sing along!
*Arrive by 4:30pm sharp. Bring a flashlight, sunset is at 5:05pm. Enjoy a guided dreamy journey with repetitive drumming and singing bowls in this delightful sound bath on the mountain. Share your journey with the tribe and learn more about the superconscious power that enlightens us.
Let the rejuvenating energy of the full moon and the power of the enchanted forest restore your sense of peace and purpose as ancient peoples did years ago. Reserve early as space is limited to allow for safe social distancing.
Enjoy this Nature treat and invigorate your soul. Meditation has multiple benefits for health and wellness.
Note: There are no facilities open at the site. Bring your own water bottle and a beach chair or mat to sit on in the parking lot. Dress warmly for this outdoor event.
WEATHER PERMITTING, RAIN OR THUNDER CANCELS. Directions sent with confirmation e-mail after you register.
Location: Private site near Newbury town, 4 miles from Mt. Sunapee. We will have a cozy fire pit if weather permits.
All attendees must follow infection control guidelines for the safety of everyone: thanks,
–Wearing masks at all times
-Keeping a safe distance apart at all times, at least 6 feet
-Bring your own hand sanitizer
-Not attending if you have experienced any common coronavirus symptoms
-Everyone checking their temperature before departing for the event
-Do not attend if you may be at a higher risk for severe illness
GOT QUESTIONS? ASK DR. TERRY AT 877-281-3382 or email info@educise.com for special accommodations or if you wish to invite a guest.
PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED for social distancing safely. Event is outdoors on rough terrain in a clearing in the forest with ample parking. Be aware it will become dark after sunset, use a flashlight for safety and wear comfortable sturdy boots or shoes. Bring a blanket for extra warmth, your beach chair, drum or rattle, and dress appropriately for the weather. No restroom facilities are available onsite.
AS A CONDITION OF ATTENDING THIS MEETUP, YOU AGREE TO: Hold harmless and indemnify the organizers and their relations and heirs, and all members and participants of the Meetup group from any and all claims for injury, illness, death, and/or property damage including those caused by negligence, ignorance, inexperience and other reasons. You also agree to assume all mental, physical, financial, and/or other risks associated with this meetup. Outdoor and other activities pose inherent risks and dangers. Participation in these activities is voluntary and dependent upon your own personal judgment. As organizers, we make no claims regarding any expertise for this outing. This is not a guided tour. In the interest of safety, consuming alcohol before or during any event is not allowed.